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Top pieces

Here are some of The Generalist's most popular pieces, to get you started.

  1. Union Square Ventures: The Thinkers. The New York-based venture firm has one of the industry’s most remarkable track records. Its success comes from deep thinking and unusual discipline.
  2. What to watch in AI. This has been the year of generative AI. To understand how the technology may change our world, we asked ten investors to share the trends they think are worth watching. That included AI’s impact on coding, video creation, life sciences, and construction.
  3. Flexport: How to Move the World. The $8 billion freight forwarder has succeeded by bringing tech to an archaic industry. It has designs on a bigger prize: owning the data layer for global trade.
  4. Stripe: Thinking Like a Civilization. What began as a simple payments processor is now powering the "GDP of the internet." Stripe's success is down to visionary founders, an unusual culture, and a savvy understanding of soft power.
  5. AngelList: A Venture Constellation. AngelList Venture is now worth $4.1 billion. That makes Naval Ravikant’s company a unicorn and a creator of unicorns. It may just be getting started.
  6. DAOs: Absorbing the Internet. What is a DAO? We brought together the ecosystem's deepest thinkers to unpack the internet-native organization. In simple terms, learn how DAOs began, what they do, and which projects you should keep an eye on.

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